Tuesday 2 July 2013

OMG This is so out of date!!!

I never actually realised how old this blog was!!  So much has happened since then.

  • His child was born in Feb 2012
  • I moved out of FMH on 21 March 2012 with two children
  • Filed for, and was granted Decree Nisi
  • Lots of to-ing and fro-ing over the summer.
  • Lots of back stabbing - he is convinced that I basically break into the house and steal stuff!!
  • Middle child had a serious car accident in September and nearly died.  She has very bad brain damage now.
  • He moved his tart into our house in December 2012!!!
  • He has not done any company accounts yet.
  • He is financially screwed.
  • He hasn't paid any maintenance for me or youngest
  • He took the girls on holiday with them - but had a go at me beforehand and he told me that the girls were terrified of me!!
  • His tart is expecting another child in January 2012!!!  I almost feel sorry for him in some way.  He is 44 years old; lives in a shithole of a house; with a child that isn't his; with the boy he has always wanted and with an ugly bitch expecting another child!!  He has been trapped so badly.
  • The fight over finances is going to be hard.  Because the judge in the first hearing said that there was nothing to argue over and that I probably would get nothing at all, he has got that stuck in his head and has not considered anything else.
There are probably other things that I have forgotten. I might get round to updating it again soon.

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