Wednesday 1 June 2011

In my head?

There are so many things going through my head.  

I know so much, I have read so so much but cannot prove any of it.  

Why did I throw all that stuff away years ago?  
I know why – because I didn’t think I would need it any more.  I didn't want to think about it any more.

I printed off reams and reams of conversations between you and Tracy James about meeting up when you were in Bromley.  But it’s gone now.  

Been reading about emotional unfaithfulness.  It’s you exactly!!!!  Great.

I have a permanent knot in my stomach.

I feel sick.  

I talk arguments through in my head.  

I know exactly what I want to say but don’t have the courage.  

I don’t want to know the truth but not knowing is sometimes worse.


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