Tuesday 19 July 2011

Family Times

I wanted for my family what I never had growing up.

I wanted parents who loved each other and loved their children unconditionally.
I wanted family trips to the zoo and the beach.
I wanted games at home on a Sunday afternoon.
I wanted a father for them to play with and for him to teach them things.
I wanted to go for bike rides and picnics along the river as a family.
I wanted family holidays.

He had that with his family and doesn't know how special it is.  Suggestions were met with rejection and now it's too late.  It makes me so sad that our girls have grown up now and we have missed so much and can never get it back.


  1. it's so sad, but people never know what they have until it's gone, all you can do is focus on what you DO have in there here and now, I see you have lovely girls and grandchildren, pick them up and squeeze them and move on from this jerk who seems to be just bringing you down lower and lower... Its easy to say but also very true that as one door closes MANY others will open for you, this is YOUR time now, you need to move on and start the next chapter in your life and enjoy it! I know someone who has just left her husband of 42 years, he was a jerk too, and she found it really hard, she had never lived on her own at all and had to buy a flat etc it was hard, but now, 1 year later she is living an amzing life and is truely one of the happiest people I know, "im finally free to enjoy myself" she said to me last week.. she even has had a blind date!

    Stay strong... we are with you, lots of love xxxxxxx

  2. You still have time to create those memories with the girls and their sons.. You have already created so many memories for them - they love you, you are their Mummy and their Granny.

  3. Absolutley - its never ever too late for anything.. :)
