Monday 18 July 2011

Financial Implications

Have I considered the financial implications of him being the father?  The answer is yes I have. He has lectured other people he knows on the responsibility of seeing their children and providing for them, even if they are not with the mother so he cannot not see this child.

Currently we have 2 girls and a grandson who are dependants.  I don't know how that leaves me financially.  His finances are fucked!!  He cannot organise them to save his life.  He lives for the moment and does not plan for the future.  This has been quite obvious for a long time, ever since I have known him really.  He gets money and spends it, mostly on himself (after mortgage, etc) and saves nothing for lean times.  

When he was unemployed for seven months last time I swore I would not allow him to do it to us again, but it did happen and for a year this time.

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